
STePS pioneers approaches to formal and non-formal learning to enable personal growth as well as inclusive and sustainable change in organisations and territories. To this purpose STePS elaborates and manages demand-driven projects aiming at the empowerment of individuals through personalised, collaborative and participative forms of learning. We favour equitable learning opportunities by using museum, libraries, theatres, gardens and even supermarkets as alternative learning environments but we do not renounce fundamental activities like proper training need analysis, assessment and validation of competence. STEPS is a recently born (2013) company which puts at disposal the skills of a group of experts with many years of experience. STePS regularly cooperates with the Department of Agricultural Sciences (DipSA) of the University of Bologna – Alma Mater Studiorum and more specifically with the Research Center in Urban Environment for Agriculture and Biodiversity (RESCUE-AB) and its network of SMEs, associations and local authorities in several local and regional projects for the promotion of urban horticulture as a tool for social inclusion and education. Within this contexts STEPS tasks are related to evaluation and monitoring, project planning and organisation of events and courses.
In 2014 STePS actively contributed to the design of the ERASMUS+ KA2 Strategic Partnership proposal titled URBAN GReen Education for ENTteRprising Agricultural INnovation (URBAN GREEN TRAIN) which has been one of the 8 proposals selected for funding in the Higher Education sector by the Italian ERASMUS+ National Agency. Within the URBAN GREEN TRAIN – recently started – StePS supports the project coordinator UNIBO in the project management and implementation, with specific tasks linked to evaluation, monitoring and quality control of outputs and activities.
Contact person: Pier Giacomo SOLA
Email: piergiacomosola@gmail.com
Website: www.stepseurope.it