
Dedale is a French research and production non-profit agency dedicated to urban and social innovation.
It develops an expertise especially in the field of Smart Cities, creative education, new tourism, culture and media, sustainable development, citizen empowerment... Its key activities are assistance and consulting for public authorities and European institutions, urban planning for local authorities and urban developers, the Paris SmartCity Living Lab management, innovative mobile applications development for cities and citizens, and international events production : Park(ing) Day (reinventing public spaces and mobility in 53 French cities), Playgreen (eco-creative biennial on the banks of the Seine in Paris, Emergences (digital art festival in La Villette, Paris), Urbanitis (Euro-Asia Forum on Creative and Sustainable Cities in Beijing)...
Dedale is supported by the Paris Region, the City of Paris and the French Ministry of Culture. It is part of the following networks : Cap Digital (Great Paris professional Cluster for digital shift), ENOLL (European network os Living Labs, Michael Culture (European network for digization and valorization of cultural heritage, Culture Action Europe (European Network for culture), VivaCités (French network for sustainable cities), Réseau des promenades urbaines (Professional network of urban educative strolls).
Besides its consultancy and expertise activities, Dédale independently develops and produces its own projects:
SmartCity Living Lab - South Paris, European laboratory of urban innovation, dedicated to the digital, creative and sustainable city
Domaine public, a research and experimentation programme on the public space of tomorrow - with the national organisation (in France) of the PARK(ing) DAY event.
Playgreen, a research and activity programme exploring sustainable development and the place of nature in the city
Future Heritage, a research and cooperation programme on cultural heritage digitization and valorisation at a European level (European policies, international cooperation and best practices, studies and innovative services development).
In the frame of its D-Lab, Dédale assists and produces innovative projects: citizen and participatory projects, micro-urban planning, ephemeral architectures, multimedia projects, creations in public space, urban digital services and innovative devices for urban and heritage mediation.
Dédale is funded by the European Commission, the French Culture and Communication Ministry, the Région Île-de-France and Paris City Council.
Contacts: Stéphane Cagnot or Julien Brouillard
Email: contact@dedale.info
Website: www.dedale.info