About the project...
More and more children and young people need to develop higher level thinking skills in order to find solutions to social, emotional and economic problems, both personally and in the context of the wider world. They are encouraged to be creative, innovative, enterprising and adaptable, with the motivation, confidence and skills to use creative and critical thinking purposefully.
The main beneficiaries of the project include primary and secondary school teachers, who, through engaging with the project will become equipped with the skills necessary to facilitate pedagogical strategies for creativity and critical thinking. Children and young people involved as participants in the Creative School project will develop the skills required to respond to the challenges offered by the Creative School curriculum.
The Creative School project develops learning modules for children and school teachers, promoting self-directed learning, critical and visual thinking skills by using cultural heritage content made available by the partner organisations. Its main outputs are:
Analysis of training and information needs of teachers, educators, children and also parents.
Development of a set of training materials focusing on the development of thinking skills through engagement with cultural heritage.
Development of guidelines and recommendations aimed at influencing policy makers and curriculum decision makers.

The Creative School project builds on the outcomes of two previous Erasmus+ funded projects: the Creative Museum and the Making Museum projects, that provided opportunities to generate and evaluate knowledge, clarify concepts and ideas, seek possibilities, consider alternatives and solve problems.

The Creative School project aims to use the creative and innovative methods and tools developed throughout the Creative and Making Museum projects and apply them to develop learning modules for children and school teachers.
Make community
The project will also explore the possible mobilisation of digital cultural heritage and engagement with maker spaces models, as tools to create unusual and exciting learning opportunities. Here maker spaces are intended as community-operated workspaces, where people with common interests in technology, science, heritage and art, can meet, socialize and collaborate.